Advantages of minimalism (2/7): Find your way when you have too many options

365 texts minimalism the advantages of minimalism
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 164 words. Written: 272.

Minimalism can also to you help... Finding your own way when you have too many options.

This is quite a peculiar problem, as older people (35+) may not understand it. Or at least for people of that age living in Lithuania or other countries of the former Mordor prison (that red land).

It was 25 years ago, after independence, when the ice on the river broke through the ice as if it were an ice storm, that all sorts of opportunities came into view. With the advent and spread of the internet 15 years ago, the number of options has increased even further.

So much so that today's young person (like me) has many choices.
And they have too many of them.

And you don't have to be a student or a school leaver who has just finished school. This is often the case for those who have lost their old jobs and occupations and have to choose new directions in life.

I'm not talking about just being able to travel to other countries or something like that. Now we can be whoever we want to be and however happy we want to be. You can even play video games all day (Pewdiepie), sell your dirty underwear (PantyDeal) or draw comics on the internet (QuestionableContent) to earn a living and live happily.

It's enough to make your head spin with the abundance of choices, and instead of doing something, you do nothing and go into the "oh, well, there's a Maxima checkout" mode. Or, in the other case, you take it all in turns and don't finish. As I mentioned in the first reason - a lot of work for very little result. So many choices that they are paralysing.

Simplicity, again, can help. Because it allows us to choose only the goals that matter most, the desires that are the most valuable, and to discard or postpone the rest of the dreams of what you could be until an unspecified date.

Discarding is a very important part of Simplicity. And it helps you find your true Direction among hundreds of other possible options. You don't want to be stuck all your life, right?

Having your own way,

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