[Love letter] I melt with you like a marshmallow in cocoa

365 texts love

Explain - how do you do it? How do you make every time I interact with you feel so warm and cozy?

How do you make it so that after just a few minutes of conversation, I start to feel the unpleasant experiences of the day slipping out of my head... and a gentle positivity rushing in?

How do you make me feel like a bird after a few minutes, when I see the long-awaited sun in the morning and hear its joyful morning song?

How do you make it so that after a few more moments I start to feel that I don't want to change what I am feeling now... And after a moment or two I feel like a marshmallow in hot cocoa - melting wherever I go?

Who are you to have such powers?

This is not usual for me. I'm not the kind of person who melts quickly into my surroundings, or who quickly falls into states of happiness, or who enjoys interacting with people...

...But what I have described is happening.

WHAT? I don't understand.

But you know - maybe I don't really care what the answer to that question is. As long as you don't stop doing what you're doing.

Don't stop, OK?

...And I won't stop doing what I'm doing to you - I won't stop holding you in my arms, I won't stop brushing your hair, I won't stop listening to your thoughts, I won't stop reading books with you, I won't stop calling you the sweetest words... And I won't stop doing everything else that turns you into a sugar cube in hot tea.


Because I don't know what you are doing to me. But I like it.


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