How to finally start writing? A guide for writers who don't write anything

Reflections and drafts

I know it is capable of: procrastination, hesitation, fear, and groaning; dreaming about writing, but never getting around to doing it.

But, hey, would you like to stop and finally write something?

If you'd like to read this article, continue reading. To the end.

The only exercise you will need,
to write today's text

For this exercise you will need: 2 eggs, 2 melons and a little confidence in me.


Forget eggs and melons, because that was a bad sexist joke. You won't need it. And if you already have it, don't worry, you can keep the eggs for tomorrow's breakfast and the melons for dessert. It's all good.


Find a space where you want to write. No matter what.

And yes, when I say it doesn't matter which one, I mean it - choose what is comfortable for you. There are no rules, because what is comfortable is good.

Personally, I usually write in Word 2016 with hidden panels or OmmWriter. I don't like paper because my hands are crooked like... well, my hands.


Take a breath and try not to think about what you will do next. On the exhale... Write one word. And until you write it, don't read the next move.


Write a second word that can be related to the first, but is not necessary. Do not read the next move until you have written this word.


Write a third word, which can be related to the first two words, but doesn't have to be.


Still don't think about what you are doing. Repeat moves THREE to FIVE until you can't write anything anymore.


Take a breath. You have just written a lot of words. Maybe even three. And three, you know, is three more than zero, so congratulations!


Think about what you want to write next. If you come up with something, don't wait (especially before you get distracted) and keep writing more words that may be related to the previous ones, but not necessarily.

Well, what if NEwhen you're thinking about what to write next, think about it and use advice you've read, heard or even tried before. I'm sure you'll remember something or come up with something new. Once you've done that, keep writing.

(Seriously, I don't give advice. If you can't come up with anything - the internet is full of them, why should I repeat what has already been written?)


Stop writing at some point. That's enough for today.

Revise your work, package it and show it to the world, because only by getting recognition from other people will you learn something (or make money from writing). You can, of course, not revise your work, but if I were you, I would spend at least 33% of the time it took me to write.

Everything. The lesson is over!

You've started writing your new text. You wrote. Finally, you wrote and released this child of yours into the world to seek glory, slay the dragon and bring back the prince/princess.


Well... What if you just read the whole manual and didn't pay attention to the lines "don't read the next move until you've done this one"... Then who else can you blame but yourself? Instructions are written on packages for a reason.

And now, have a good day. Tomorrow, we'll do it again!

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