Category: Challenges


A month without internet: A challenge I recommend to everyone

Facebook, Gmail, Delphi and oh look - funny pictures! Hahaha! …Okay, back to work. But first, I'll check what happened on Facebook in the last thirty seconds and check my email again. post office This was my daily routine when I left my salaried job and became self-employed. This went on for more or less half a year, until I lost patience, spat, said "I'm done" and turned off [...]


Where does my time go? I tried these two apps and saw…

Where did your day go? It seems that as soon as you picked up the phone, sat down at the computer, and lo and behold, it's already dark? Let's try to find the answer together. Because, yes, as you probably already understood - I myself have such a problem. 🙂 I set myself a month-long challenge to track my time online… And I discovered more than I expected. I monitored myself with three methods: Self-discipline, RescueTime and ManicTime apps, And […]


How did I write a novel in a month? NaNoWriMo challenge that will also be held this November

It all started two years ago when I decided that just living a nice life was too wasteful and started a year of impossible challenges. It was a year with 12 different challenges. And the last one, in November 2014, was the NaNoWriMo writing test. A 50,000 word story in one month. Or one small novel. To make it more impressive, let me use the trick of the traders and this number […]


What is the Crazy Goals List?

What if life seems to stop? If there are no goals left that you would like to achieve or meaning that would give you the strength to jump out of bed in the morning? Good questions. And frequent. More than a third of the people who write me letters ask something similar. I have a tool for you that I use myself. A tool that……helps you find your new challenge;…helps you unearth the goals and meanings you had, but didn’t fulfill;…will inspire you to new adventures […]


How I started getting up at 4:00 in the morning and why I won't do it again

Question: What do sane people do if they start working until four in the morning while writing their bachelor's thesis and sleep until noon? Answer: I don't know. But here's what I did after several months of such work - I decided to turn my sleeping time 180° in one day and start GETTING UP at four in the morning. From 04:00 -> 12:00 sleep mode… to […]


How did I start living healthier? Change Architecture and Small Steps Method

Has someone finally convinced you that you should live a healthier life? Well, if you've opened an article with that title, it's probably the most interesting thing for you, isn't it? I'm guessing that you have already found various tips on how to do this on the wide web or in the pages of a healthy lifestyle magazine. And when you found it, you created a plan... If you followed the usual advice well, your plan looks like this: To stop eating (or eat less) in life [...]


Month without purchases: I was checking to see if I buy junk often

June was special for me - I followed the challenge given to me by the people of Debes to not buy anything except food for myself and the car. And this month went easier than I expected. It turns out that such a seemingly crazy challenge is not so impossible after all! …Not buying anything is not as difficult as it may seem. But first, why put such a test to your discipline and your inner child who wants everything? Why […]


A habit I never got over: Do not bring the Internet to bed

Ever since I got my laptop, the action started in my bed. It was hot. I was sweating. I dressed up in poses. I was shivering at that nice ooo… …Well, okay, and that's how you know I'm talking about bed work. My internet addiction was so strong that I carried it everywhere. And it sucked. It sucked the time I used to spend every night and morning on YouTube and a "quick Facebook check". […]


The month I tried to write daily for the first time

Renewed! I have also published a more recent story about daily writing (1667 words per day) and 2016-2017 was my year of daily writing. Valio (valio, valio) - February 2014 is over! And with it, the challenge of 500 words written every day. The goal of the test was quite simple: to write a coherent, coherent text of at least 500 words each day. Never mind about […]


Time management: 6 methods to help you catch up

It is said that a long time ago, a thousand years ago, in December 2014, such a guy named Daniel was a student. And he was running out of time. At night he calculated metal structures, drank energy drinks, and during the day he wanted to write a blog. But he didn't get it. Because studies. And work. And the desire to watch another series. And darrr... 😴 Daniel decided: In January I will try 6 TIME MANAGEMENT techniques and [...]
