Category: Debesylian stories


Why did I become vegan? I got rid of acne and allergies

Milena realized that she cannot live by eating other animals... And became a vegan. However, it was not difficult for her! Here's how you can become a vegan too.


Life will change only when you start challenging yourself

When some people sit and pick their noses... Others work and overcome the challenges they have set for themselves. And when they overcome it, they enjoy the fruits of their labor!


How I opened a restaurant at his own expense, in Lithuania

Do you like to cook? Experiment with flavors and then treat your friends? Or maybe you even dream of opening your own restaurant in the future? Two 26-year-old guys from Lithuania: Gilbert and Tomas + a small budget + the desire to cook... ...Equal to one brave restaurant on wheels! 🚚 If the "Mmm..." and drooling faces of satisfied friends inspire you to experiment with food 🤤, maybe it's time for you […]


On foot through Spain St. Jacob's way: why do you want to hike 872 kilometers

Today I am interviewing a 30-year-old girl from Debesy from Klaipėda. This is Liuba, who unplanned took the Way of Santiago in Spain... ...and walked more than 800 kilometers in 25 days. Although such long hikes, especially in Spain, were definitely not a daily activity for her. Well, I give my word to Liuba, who will tell her thoughts, failures, decisions and other experiences on the Road herself. Let's listen!🥾 Lyuba, who are you? I'm Lyuba, [...]


How to learn a foreign languageor just break through?

When I was learning English, I envied the Americans, when I was learning Spanish, I envied the Mexicans... Why is it so easy to speak a native language, but so hard to learn a new one!? …What can we do to make learning new languages easier? Today I am interviewing Hristina Kiprijanovska from Debesy, 18 years old, living in Panevėžys. She found herself in Lithuania 9 years ago after emigrating from Little Macedonia. Hristina undertook, it seems, an insurmountable task for a native of Prague - to learn the Lithuanian language. […]


Aurelijs Katkevičius, editor of "Business class".: What is the modern man worth?

Aurelijus Katkevičius: journalist, editor of the magazine "Verslo klase" and one of the first public relations specialists in Lithuania. Today we talk to him! This author is weird. Not because he has any unpleasant flaws, but because he doesn't spread his thoughts anywhere. When other authors write on Facebook, Aurelius writes magazines. "Business Class", "Illustrated Science", "Illustrated History" and for the future are thinking of publishing [...]


How to prepare for exams? 7-step memo for schoolchildren and students

We are at school with a friend, and 15 minutes away Lithuanian language assessment - we had to learn the language by heart. I'm good, but my friend is not. It took me about 10-15 minutes at home to learn my language. The friend panics, even though she could easily learn hers in the remaining minutes before the start. Only, unfortunately, not with the methods we were taught in school. I think all the people reading this […]


To lose weight, you don't need to start with sports...

A tactless question: How much do you weigh? Or, how big is your waist? Maybe such that it is difficult to tie your shoes? Or do the kids call you Santa at Christmas time? …Okay, just kidding! But have you ever wanted to lose weight and go back from XXL clothes to M size? Yes, how was it in the old days? Today I'm talking to Audrias from Debesy, who has set himself the challenge of doing [...]


Is there truth in the Bible? He will talk with Archbishop Sigitus Tamkevičius

How to find the meaning of life? What to do if you can't find it? What kind of life is good and what kind is not so good? These are questions that sometimes, probably, twist each of our brains. The strangest thing is that these things are not talked about much by personal growth teachers on the Internet from the Christian side. Despite the fact that this religion was once the best teacher of our ancestors... Or is it still? So, I decided to change that. Today is an exclusive [...]


The student says: How I found friends on the street and on buses

In Lithuania, you are nothing without acquaintances. And making acquaintances is almost impossible, because everything is only through relatives... At least that's what some people say. This week's interviewer Antanas remembered these words. He decided to check - is it possible to start dating just on the street? And yes, the action of this challenge takes place in Lithuania. Antanas Bernatonis is a 17-year-old student who does not know if he will study, but is preparing to create his […]
