#Soul in Stone (8)

365 texts fiction Soul in stone
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 777 words. Written: 788.

"What to do now!?"

- What??? - I shouted, clutching the Stone and not understanding what he wanted from me.

- Wait, - Stone interrupted me sternly, - And when I say - drop me!

I rolled my eyes at the Stone. It was now bright blue in color.

- What?? - I didn't understand, still following Ovidius with my eyes. After a moment, he already broke the column closest to him with a blow and ran out into the alley. Then, seeing that I was standing at the other end of it, it stopped... If I saw correctly through the dust, it smiled... And started running towards me.

- DROP! - commanded Stone, as soon as Ovidius moved.


I didn't understand anything at that moment. But if they say so, so be it. Still, if not me, then maybe the Stone will divert Ovid's attention. Or... At least it will be easier to run.

{{NERO - Satisfy}}

"Well, eat a rock, donkey!"

I threw my hand away and then threw it with all my might at the grinning oncoming Ovidius, who was already maybe twelve large steps or mere seconds away. As soon as I let go of the Stone from my hands, it flashed green and all the light shone with it... Then I noticed and remembered one thing that I had forgotten...

"Pala, a rope on my arm!"

But it was too late to upset her, the Stone flew towards Ovidius... It flashed green and began to spin, wrapping the rope around itself!

{{Gesaffelstein – Aleph}}

The arena announcer started to roar something and the crowd immediately followed him. And the whole scene seemed to slow down: Ovid approaching, swinging his hammer in my direction, the green spinning stone hurtling toward him, the rope between me and the stone, the roar of the crowd, and the clouds of dust I began to inhale through my mouth.

The stone was approaching Ovid, whose face was slowly replaced by surprise. And... Tatarshk! A green light flashed, so bright you had to squint. Ovid swung his hammer in my direction, but the distracted stone missed and bounced off one of the pillars, and I jumped back, dragging the Stone with me.

I felt the rope begin to coil again and the Stone bounced away from Ovid.

- That's right! - I heard Akmenis shouting, - Shaunuole!

However, it seems that Ovidius is not so easily knocked out, swinging his hammer back he jumped back another step and now managed to hook me with the pointed end. Pain shot through my entire right side and I felt my organs and bones fall to one side. I naturally fell to where I was now being dragged by the blow of the hammer…

...And after flying out of the tunnel at the very edge of the square, I landed on my back. I skated like this for at least a dozen paces before the friction, which had almost completely torn my clothes, stopped me.

- Aaaargh! I shouted. It goes without saying. It must have been difficult not to cry out when one half of your body was bruised and the other half was scraped and bruised to the point of bleeding.

The stone, flying and glowing green, flew back at me. And finally, confused, he landed again in my palm with full speed. Only now did I notice that Ovidius was also not without wounds, and his head and shoulders were covered in blood.

"NO, I'LL SHOW YOU," cried Ovid, rubbing the side of his bleeding head. And apparently he was without an ear!

"Damn it, my stone works!" …Somehow.”

Ovid shifted the hammer to his other hand, running his free one over the remains of his ear again, splattering the running blood onto his shoulder and the pavement of the square. And then he started to approach me after throwing away the frame.

I realized I had to run! I rolled onto my still healthy left side and tried to get up. But it appears my right hand, where I held the Stone, was damaged enough to refuse to function.

- Bliaat, - I cursed furiously and tried to get up and escape at least in some way, kicking my feet. Ovid was approaching, and my heart was beating like mad.

"Throw me forward!" - shouted the stone again.

So as I got up, I reached for my non-functioning arm and tried to do at least that. I got up... And while lifting the stone, I dropped maybe three steps forward.


It didn't help much. I don't know what the rock was, but it didn't move and then started to roll back again.

- You have to try better! he shouted at me.

However, I spat at the Stone Throw when Ovidius was already very close to me and was rolling sideways on the right. The pain burned all over my side, but I kept pushing and, having gathered enough momentum and strength, I pushed myself up with both hands and kicked my butt up.

The pain, as expected, also tingled my right hand, but it didn't matter to me anymore.

"If I don't get out of here, Ovid will kill me!"

…I got up! And kicking my legs, I started to run. The right leg, thank God, was as healthy as the left.

Ovid roared behind me.

- To the left! Turn left now! - shouted the Stone.

"Stay away from THAT!"

I leaned with all my weight to the left and turned. And I'm glad I did it with the weight, because the metal head of the hammer flew just a few fingers from my shoulder and head to my right, and then the spinning shaft.

"My God! How did he even lose him like that!?”

The hammer, while flying, hit the columns on the edge of the square and flew over them to the temple. I was too focused on running to see what was happening, but then I heard a huge, deafening explosion.

But the blast didn't stop and the rush of wind blew me over. I staggered suddenly and almost fell, but thank God I kept my balance after throwing the stone back. Thus I ran a few more steps and, jumping into the gap with the columns, quickly turned around. The crowd's roar turned to screams.

"Oh my god!"

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