I dreamed about her again. That girl.

365 texts fiction love
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 290 words. Written: 344.

me again her i dreamed No no HER exclusively not the one I knew. Just another girl with a blurry face.

Short-haired, B-breasted, average to fairly thin - I can't remember now because thinness has never been an important part of a girl's appearance for me - physically strong and brave to make the first move.

I met her in the places I visit every day. In the street between my house and the neighbor's house, in the library of Kaunas Vytautas Great University, in the Acropolis sweets shop or in some other inconspicuous place. I'm not one to memorize and dream of exact places - castles, Gediminas Towers or Taj Mahals.

There were no words between us. In the beginning.

We looked into each other's eyes… And in an instant… Well, the heat washed over me and the scene of the dream shifted to another familiar place for me, the bed. My house, some brown southern hotel, some tent in the woods or something similar to all the places where I once slept.

She climbed on top of me and said something.

I didn't hear her words because my hearing was taken away by her smile. Dazzling, gentle, magical smile. A band of white teeth on a lightly tanned face.

We are without clothes and I am in it.

She moves her hips. Just like a sea or lake wave that rushes over the shore of a sea or lake… And then comes back to do it all over again.

It's nice.

Her fused face looms over me and I love it. I love her nose. Her eyes. And that space between the nose and the upper lip. I like it despite the fact that I can't see the face in this yellow room light or moonlight.

She advises me. I can already hear these words:

"Danyyeau, be careful."

I don't pay attention to the fact that she pronounced my name so strangely. No one ever pronounces my name correctly in my dreams. But I look down at where our bodies are touching. And I realize that I am without a condom.

She moves her hips. I can't wait - my own.

I know I shouldn't. If there are children, there will be problems. That's my gut feeling, that's what everyone tells me.

…But another, deeper feeling says that what is happening is good.

She moves her hips. Rhythmically. Leans in for a kiss.

And, not reaching me, she flinches. I finished my work with explosions.

She leans down and hugs me. We are naked.

I wake up.


* * *

I've had this dream several times. It's been a few weeks. And I don't know? Maybe I'm just horny?


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