A few more interesting Lithuanian self-development blogs

365 texts blogs

Goal of the day: 559 words. Written: 661.

Recently, I shared the list of the best Lithuanian self-development blogs of 2017, according to internet data. A few blogs also caught my eye, but didn't make the "best" list. Here they are.

{Ą} Extreme survival. Experiments for your lifestyle.

Mantos Žalkauskas experiences can impress you: spending the night in the open sky at -17 degrees (yes, open sky means no tent), two years of service in the KASP forces, and countless crazy experiments on myself, some of which I dare not repeat myself.

You can find it all in his Extreme Survival, a blog about his experiences in the search for a better life.

Manto's goal is to test various new ideas and systems, and to describe the experience to readers. He does not rewrite other people's thoughts, but only presents what he himself has tested in practice.

True, his blog is not very active at the moment, because Mantas devotes time to live meetings and new adventures. But I hope he comes back to cover everything!

"Extreme Survival" can be found at: Ekstremalusliskimas.lt

{Č} Happy. The way to a happy life.

This one Liud Vasiliauskas writing a blog doesn't look like a blog at first glance. Maybe more into a directory of articles and resources. However, it is worth visiting Laimingus.

Especially if you are looking for a way to a more pleasant life, but magic, codes and blind faith are not... Well, your thing. I have also received a letter from Almantas, a resident of Debesy, in which he praised the trainings organized by Ludus at the homestead "Meilė sau". According to Almanto, this was the best training he had tried.

Lately, this blog has been inactive as well, and Liudas has been traveling around South America building mud house villages. (Or at least that's what it seemed to me when I followed him on Facebook.)

"Laimingus" can be found at: Laimingi.lt

{Ä} Yevgenijus Černyš. For those looking for the meaning of life.

This blog is supervised, managed, loved and filled by such Yevgenijus Černyš.

And you may have heard of him. Similar to how 60+ thousand his followers in the Baltic countries(!). Yevgenijus is a teacher, quite a skilled speaker and probably the closest thing we have in Lithuania to a Tony Robbinson, I guess. Not very close, but it just goes to show that we don't have that many hosts like that. 😉

Yevgenius (by the way, do not confuse with Chigrin, who creates the "Club of Development") page you can find his articles, links to teachings, books and a mountain of free goodness.

Most of his audience is older. You should already understand that when you visit his teachings, you will find something unusual for today's self-education authors.

You can find Yevgenijius Černyš: jcernys.lt

{To} Žilvinas Butkevičius. Video training for active people.

Žilvinas Butkevičius is an entrepreneur, self-development coach and lecturer, whose name I keep hearing from my friends. And he passes on his knowledge through video lessons.

I'll admit it - about Žilvina I heard relatively recently. I met - even recently. However, after getting acquainted, I did not regret it. He is active, energetic and stubborn to sell his knowledge. Hm... Well, and to give as a gift. There are also free lessons from him!

I recommend this website to those who want to live a free life and are looking for ways to earn it. And although Žilvinas is a netball (not sports... well, the kind that fishermen have) marketing guru, he shouldn't choke you with hard work.

You can find Žilvinas Butkevičius: Zilvinasbutkevicius.lt

{Š} The house of the soul. For those looking for the home of their soul.

If you want to combine personal growth, creativity and spiritual development, Aurelija Veršininė will prove that it is possible in her blog.

More than 5.7 thousand "Sielos namus", which has Facebook fans, is united by the idea that anyone can engage in creativity (painting, singing, poetry, etc.), that creating is healthy and that it is a convenient way to peace of mind.

With light and friendly articles, Aurelija has a talent for transmitting good energy to readers.

You can find "Sielo namus" at: Sielosnamai.lt

{Ų} Mindgasmic. The differences that make the difference.

Mindgasmic is one of those websites that I didn't know about until my friends told me about it. Mindgasmic Chef – Vidas Jankauskas, a licensed Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) trainer who has been teaching for a dozen years.

In this blog you will find NLP essays that our readers love and links to Vido's (and other professionals') trainings and seminars.

I used to believe in the existence of NLP, but really, as all sane people know - it's just pseudo science. However, Vid's work can still be followed, because it works without NLPistic tales. I kind of like it, and I'm not the only one reading it.

At Mindgasmic you will find: Mindgasmic.com

{Ū} I am happy. A blog for women.

And finally, I present Renata Rimkevičienė's blog "I'm happy". Most of all, it's true, aimed at a female audience.

Although Renata's blog is still quite fresh, and there are few articles in it, the author promised that there will be more articles in the future. And she does not promise to stop with her training and seminars.

You can find "I'm happy" at: Esulaiminga.lt

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