[Love letter] Why am I not looking for other girls?

365 texts love

Goal of the day: 219 words. Written: 557.

Why don't I look for other girls? I'm not sure if you're asking this as a joke or seriously. However, I will imagine that you are serious and the answer is really interesting.

I really don't know.

* Thinking, even though he thought for a good 6 minutes before starting to write *

The answer is probably that... I don't want to look for more girls? However that may sound.

I don't want to. I don't feel any desire.

And your suggestion to do it, even jokingly, threw me for a loop. So would the suggestion to fly to Antarctica for two days. Or to buy a Ferrari.

I don't feel like it because I don't see the benefit.

"Why should I do this?" is the first question that comes to the back of my mind. And I don't get the feeling back. Just like today, when I was walking through the clothes shops and found a cheap but ugly jumper.

I don't see the benefit. And I don't need it.

I've never been a big boy. Or a big hoarder of things, for that matter, but maybe that's not the topic. Even in my peak girlie days, when I managed to go on three different dates with three different girls in a day, even then I wasn't the kind of person to hang on to several girls at once.

Here's a question: why should I look for a girl-not-a-friend to talk to when I can talk to you?

Why should I look for another girlfriend when I already have more than I sometimes want?

Why should I look for another hobby when I already have a bunch of hobbies that I like to do right now?

Why should I buy a new car if my current one more than meets my needs?

So that I can choose a better girl afterwards? A better girlfriend? A better car? ...Isn't that maniacal? What's it like - insurance? Like some girls do when they have a boyfriend and a lover at the same time?

(Just don't tell me you're one of those girls.)

No, I don't want to hang on to other girls. Because I don't feel any need to, if I can happily hook you up. Simple joys. Even more so - can you imagine two of you at once? One like you and the other, say, a book-reading kickboxer and a teacher of training seminars?

I would go crazy!

* * *

After writing this reply, however, I decided not to stop thinking.

From that thought, I went to buy a cup of hot chocolate, which I simply adore.

And as I descended in the elevator, I realised that the first answer is not the only one. As usual. I'm surprised how often people limit themselves to answering questions from only one position!

I was so confused, I guess because of another - simple - thing - I was afraid that you were serious.

It's funny, but if you had suggested it in a serious voice, I guess I would have dropped it as a joke and forgotten about it after a few seconds. ...Another time you said it in jest. In the middle of a not-so-funny conversation.

It is human not to enter into serious conversations at the first opportunity. That's what people do. I probably do it myself, although I can't remember a single time I did it now. But I am sure I have.

* * *

I don't know. I'm confused. I got lost.

This question, especially if the speech had not previously been on the level of jokes and ridiculous verbal flip-flopping, knocked me off my feet. And you were quick to notice.

You have eyes, what else can I say.

I don't want to hook up with other girls because... I don't want that.

Nobody said I couldn't. Thanks to this 100 People Challenge I've met quite a few charming girls. But none of them I wanted to talk to for more than half an hour.

I have to admit, even after writing this answer, I don't feel any stronger. It's a strange topic. And I only write a reply like this because I know that you like to pick other people's brains. That you like what I write. That I like writing myself. And that you, finally, like sincerity.

My God - I'm going to kill myself with my sincerity someday. But hopefully not yet.

* * *

And why don't you try to find other guys and hang on to them? What would your answer be? Write it down - I'm interested. 🙂

Confused and not looking,

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