How to keep writing and become the best writer in the world?

365 texts writing
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 112 words. Written: 850.

I understand you. Today you cut your finger while preparing food for yourself. You strained your muscles when you got up from the chair in the morning, and now you've eaten so much that you can't even move. And there is still so much to do on the Internet - and watch that video and read this article.

I understand you. You can't write.

Despite the fact that you want to do it, that you see yourself writing in your dreams, or that you would like your works to be read by crowds of people in the future.

You know what?

. . .



What makes writers different from non-writers?

Yesterday was a special day. As I have been doing for some time, once again, while walking across Kaunas Laisvės Alley, I stopped and spoke to a random passerby.

It was a woman of about 48 years old with raspberry jam red hair and a completely unremarkable outfit. It is so unforgettable that I, as you can see, do not remember it. Approaching the woman, I said:

"Excuse me, I have an unexpected question. Could you please answer… When do you think a writer can consider himself a writer?”

(Yes, I start every appeal with "excuse me.")

This woman smiled and, after thinking for a moment, answered:

"Well, probably when he starts writing, isn't he?"

(Yes, "arnejaugine" was one word. She must have been saving time.)

I was confused, but I agreed with her, thanked her and said goodbye. She was the first of probably 30 people I've met to give that answer. However, my interviewees usually answered that they can be called writers:

a) After writing/publishing a book (the most common answer);
b) After becoming known (this option was also unexpected);
c) Joining the Writers' Union;
d) When someone starts reading what you create.

And this one woman, whose name I forgot to ask, said that you only become a writer when you start writing. I, personally, believe that this answer is the most correct of all.

Because think: what is the difference between a writer and a non-writer?

  • Does publishing a book make you a writer? Because if so, then Justin Bieber is also a writer.
  • Do you immediately become a writer when you become famous? Because if so, then Dalia Grybauskaite is a writer.
  • Does joining a writers' union make you a writer? Because if so, it's not necessary to write - it's important to get a ticket.
  • Do you become a writer when people start reading you? Because if so, then under the thunder - all of us who have Facebook are writers! Will!

Writer came from the word write. Such is his life and such is his profession. And for those who want to be writers, it is important to become writers. Aren't you?

An incredible new idea! Patented! Publishers hate me! Find out why or die in hell forever.

But I have a cure for you.

I used to be a writer like most people. Dreaming of gathering an audience, write a book (or at least a chapter), start your own blog and change the world for the better.

But I had a problem: My penis was only 8 cm long! So I bought this medicine online-

Oh, my God, I messed up. I'm so sorry, that's not what I'm about.

Here is the revolutionary medicine if you aspire to become a WRITER:

(Ready? This might shock you. If you haven't buckled up yet, do it now!)

(Dramatic drum music.)








Write everyday.

Yes, I know, very unexpected... However, using this particular drug, you will be able to:

  1. To train. Because for every writer, writing is an area where it could be even better, more interesting, more useful, faster.
  2. Start. Especially the one you've wanted to create for the longest time, but never got over the gap between ideas and draft.
  3. Finish. Especially if you never finish filling, cutting and rewriting the draft.
  4. To win. Because it is important for each of us to feel satisfied with life, and what could be more valuable than a tangible result?

Also the texts you wrote (it doesn't matter if your daily rate will be 100, or 10 thousand words) you will be able to publish, publish and show people. And then tame them as loyal readers.

And the most important thing - maybe the next time you talk to friends at a party or with a potential employer in a job interview, you won't have to repeat "I'm writing, but, ah, not very well now..." in embarrassment. Because you will finally write.

 So how do you write everyday?

  1. Set yourself a daily word quota. Don't worry, there is no EU parliament and Angela Merkel here - you will set this quota yourself. It can be 50 words if you just start writing something, but it can be 750. You can write more, but your goal is to reach the set number every day. At least that much.
  2. Set a time when you will write every day. Some writers are most comfortable creating very early in the morning. For others, at night. I am one of those who write from 10 o'clock in the morning.
  3. Don't think about this time. You don't have to be strict with your time. You can take a day off, because that's it helps to recover creative forces. However, if entertainment is distracting - try blocking them.
  4. Choose what you are comfortable writing on. I write to according to the mood Writer's Block or OmmWriter. But maybe you're more comfortable writing by hand? That's fine too.
  5. Write a letter. Then repeat.
  6. Don't edit while you write. Your goal is X words per day - why bother yourself by deleting possibly bad words? You'll correct it when you have your whole idea on paper, so don't get distracted.
  7. Save yourself. Of course, you can throw away your written text, considering it just a practice. I do this with a quarter of my texts. But it is advisable to be safe. Archives of bad texts are good for inspiration, and good ones... Well, you can publish the good ones!

The next day, in an hour, in 10 days or whatever, if the saved draft still has value, revise it, finish it, and publish it. Congratulations!

What if you don't want to write?

Good question. Sometimes it's the finger from which the blood gushes in a fountain, or the temperature of 40 degrees, that prevents you from creating. Then, perhaps, the best solution would be to stop. However after removing the obstacle to your creativity, continue writing again.

Every day and little by little.

Writing is a craft like baking cakes or chopping blocks with an axe. And you should practice. You should share what you have inside with the world. To be a writer.

Well, why don't you write yet?


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