What are my weaknesses in a girl?

365 texts love relationships

Goal of the day: 211 words. Written: 443.

Simona: And what would you consider to be the downsides of girls?

Daniel: I don't know? Maybe it's the extra minus you have tattooed on your forehead above your eyebrows? Or is it the fact that you lied to me and kept repeating that lie? Or is it the fact that you are as unclean as a kindergartener? I don't know - there are a lot of things I wouldn't like in a girl.

Simona: And you'd better think about what the downsides could be for you.

Daniel: It is not for nothing that I give them half-joking, half-serious tests. But you passed the main gate of the minus test clean.

  • You're not dumb as a stump.
  • You're not bothered about your appearance.
  • You're not a drinker or smoker.
  • You don't like to improve.
  • You're not focused on the appearance of guys (aka me and others).
  • You are not a racist.
  • You don't have extreme political views.
  • You are not extremely religious.
  • You're not crazy about sport.
  • You're not too masculine.
  • Don't be stereotypical.
  • You're not housebound.
  • You are a clueless, innocent girl who has never had a boyfriend in her life and doesn't understand how they work.
  • You are not in control.

And also...

  • I don't know if you are jealous yet.
  • I don't know yet if money is important to you.
  • I don't know yet how you deal with them.
  • I don't know how many clothes you have yet.
  • I don't know yet how you manage your home, or if you do it at all.
  • I don't know if you know how to cook yet. Tasty.
  • I don't know if you shower at least every two days.
  • I don't know if you brush your teeth every day.
  • I don't know if you wash your hands often. Especially after using the toilet.
  • I don't know yet if you're as good as a mare.
  • I don't yet know how you treat other people's stuff.
  • I don't know yet if you know the boundaries between touch and sex.
  • I don't know if you can speak body language yet.
  • I don't yet know how you interact with strangers on the street. How you interact with cashiers, babushkas and postmen.
  • I don't know yet how you communicate with your friends. And how you would communicate with mine.
  • I don't yet know how you communicate with your parents and how you would communicate with mine.
  • I don't yet know how you behave in stressful situations.
  • I don't yet know how you behave when your boyfriend does something wrong.

...Did you just get off the computer?

Simona: Nooooo!

Daniel: OK.

  • I don't yet know how you react to unexpected offers to go somewhere or do something.
  • I don't know what you know about politics yet. And what your views are.
  • I don't know yet if you can communicate and tolerate other people a bit.
  • I don't know yet if you can come up with something new when boredom strikes. And do it with your boyfriend.
  • I don't know yet how you react when a guy offers to do something that doesn't sound good to you.
  • I don't know if you value other people's time yet. And whether you value your own.
  • I don't know yet whether you value other people's money. I've already written about mine (yours).
  • I still don't know how you react when Daniel starts up and drives his thoughts in a seemingly endless stream.
  • I don't know yet if you can spot what your boyfriend likes. And give it to him.
  • I don't know yet if you know how to improvise and join in the games yourself. Swap roles and write your own version.

Please. Here are the possible downsides in my eyes. Are you checking if you pass the screening?


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