Cloud Cloud Watching Meditation

365 texts meditation
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 182 words. Written: 420. Blaze it. Photo author: Vi Kontrimaitė

Why?  Because during meditation, the brain moves from "concentration", where old principles and methods of thinking are used, to a state of "reactions", where new connections between ideas are created. Similar to switching from "work" to "shower" mode or some other such blunt activity. In quotation marks, blunt..


  1. You lie down, sit down, lean back, or otherwise position yourself comfortably so that you can see at least a patch of sky with moving clouds. It is advisable to choose such weather conditions, during which the sky is both cloudy and clear.
  2. breathe Listen to music, nature or city sounds, your heartbeat, the wind in the tree branches or other sounds. Throw away all your thoughts and relax.
  3. Once you have an idea, smell it. Look what she is like. Rate her. Pet her.
  4. And then let go - back to the state without ideas again.
  5. Enjoy yourself. Repeat. Be in the moment.
  6. After the set time - close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, open your eyes and get up. You are a new person.
  7. Think: what do you feel? What do you think? What were you thinking during meditation? What ideas came to mind? how did you feel Are you feeling rested or sleepy? (If you are sleepy, don't worry, just remember to breathe and you will soon feel the strength coming). What happened?
  8. Smile. If you want to. If you don't want to, don't smile, because I can't tell you what you should do. But at this moment, you have already become at least a dozen percent more yourself.

What?  Clouds + You + ~20 minutes + (if desired) Music without words

Why the time limit?  Good and new ideas are cool. But it's no good if as soon as you come up with something "revolutionarily new" you start concentrating, thinking and planning your work. What if this super idea wasn't so super? What if there are better ones? What if you only hooked a corner of all the treasure that lies within you? So let go of that idea and continue the meditation until it ends, or longer, until you get bored.

Why are good ideas not worth writing down or trying to implement?  Your enthusiasm is the enemy of logic and common sense. Just like love. If the idea you unleashed was REALLY that good, it will come back later, it will repeat itself, it won't run away from you and it won't freak you out (like your idea for that dream activity… See it?). However, if it was just a momentary revolution (by the way, "revolution" means a 360-degree turn. ie, a return to what was)... What good is that? Your goal is to find the best ideas, not the ones that hit first.

Why clouds?  Because I am the author of Debesyla. But anyway, it can be sheep, and children on the playground, and bored students, and sleeping kittens. However, clouds are interesting because they move, change and resemble many forms - here it is easier to surrender and let thoughts, metaphors and ideas flow. It won't be so frustrating if you're just a meditation beginner like I am. 🙂

Last why?  It's fun, pleasant, relaxing, restful, refreshing, takes you back to your childhood/youth and... Try to name something yourself.

Cloud watching,

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