Tag: story


Enemies of the Huns: why is this book called a historical novel?

Romualdas Drakšas: a lawyer (and not just any law, but criminal!), a professor who writes fiction books. I remembered his name because I once read his science fiction diptych "The Man" and I really liked it as a child... So what does Romuald write these days? 


Between copy and layout: Review of the book "1922" by Roland Maskoliūnas

On the occasion of Kaunas being the European capital of culture - a book about the interwar history of Lithuania in a different way. Not a retelling of events, but these quotes!


Vytautas Račickos book "Guests at the bear"

Goal of the day: 630 words. Written: 309.


Weird facts about the number 100 (one hundred)

I'll let you in on a secret: I'm a secret wiki-pervert. I like to secretly surf Wikipedia at night and read texts about Baroque architecture or quantum physics after pulling my (little) friend to masturbate hotly.