Writing technique: "Selected exclusively for you..."

Reflections and drafts

Let me share a technique I dedicate just to you: the writer.

This technique is somewhat funny, because in fact, little content in the world is "unselected" and "not intended" for a specific reader - little content is automatically generated. However, this is forgotten in the eyes of the reader.

The technical parts are as follows:

  1. When writing texts, emphasize that you have chosen it specifically for the reader;
  2. + it was selected by you - the author - personally, not automatically;
  3. + selected specifically for the reader who... Insert here a description of what the reader is like, who, well, basically is a reader - wants to write, likes to feel loved, doesn't like raisins or something like that.

That's all!

Might as well emphasize: hand-picked, exclusively for you, today only…

Content is abundant and the reader wants to feel loved.

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