"How do I interest a guy who doesn't respond to me?"

Reflections and drafts

I hope this page is not the first result of your Google search. You've already found tons of answers: seduction techniques and "find someone else" tips. But it's not enough for you...

What exactly are you looking for?

Are you looking for advice that will genuinely help you in your case, or just something that will echo your preconceived notion of wooing or quitting?

...Of course, that's a good question too. You might be thinking now.

Think if you want. But the solution here is easier than you think.

  1. Relax;
  2. Have a cup of cocoa;
  3. Don't think;
  4. Don't listen to advice - even the advice I am giving you now;
  5. Just do what you wanted to do anyway.

Because there is no problem in a relationship, especially when it hasn't started yet (which is what your question implies). We just make them up ourselves and then we go on the internet to look at them.

Relax, because potential relationships are inherently worthless. If nothing has been put in, nothing is (yet) there.

Just relax. Breathe. Be zen. Be Zen. Be present.

(Or don't be - I'm giving advice here, but you don't have to listen to it. Just do what your gut tells you.)

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