#Soul in Stone (16)

365 texts fiction Soul in stone
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 893 words. Written: 901.

Gabrielle froze. Then when she saw what she had done, she turned and giggled.

- Oh. It happens. You know how distracted I am,” she waved her hands and empty backpack in the air while giggling.

"Hmpf," I sputtered quietly, unable to think of anything else to say.

"Ah, but here is my Stone!"

My weapon was probably the last to fall out and was now lying in a pile of all sorts of junk. Gabrielle bent down and, throwing her backpack to the side on the floor, picked up the Stone and threw it in the air several times. This one didn't glow and looked like it had shrunk. Or played for me.

"Give it here," I started to get even more annoyed.

I had no idea what was going on here anymore, and I longed for perhaps the only thing I felt safer with. Slightly safer, but still. That gun has already helped me.

Gabrielle grinned.

- Catch it! - he threw it to me and I caught it, - And what is this thing anyway? When I found you on the street, you were all wounded and sprawled out. This crystal was on you. What is it? A security guard? Personal computer assistant?

- Er... - I mumbled, looking at the stone and investigating what had changed in it, that it no longer shone as brightly as before, - ...I don't know. A friend.

"A friend?" Gabriele raised her eyebrow. And then he calmed down, - Well, I know such friends. And you look naughty like me, don't you?


I looked up at Gabriela and, trying to understand what she was talking about, looked around the room.

"Uh..." I said confusedly. Gabrielle laughed again.

- Well, well, you don't need to say anything, I can see that you are blushing!

Gabriele then sat on the bed and put her hand on my thigh. Not knowing what to expect, I didn't move and only tightened my grip on the Stone in case it was needed.

"Well, show me your wounds," she raised her hand towards me.


I, of course, tried to pull back. Well, there wasn't much to retreat to, because the back of the sofa was already behind me. But still, I leaned back as much as I could.

- Hey! What you are doing?! I shouted.

Gabrielle leaned back and widened her eyes.

- You do understand that it was ME who tied you up? That I brought you to my laboratory? That it was ME, the chief doctor of the Greater Kaunas Zoo and Animal Husbandry Institute, who healed you? – starting slowly, and at the end speaking very quickly, she poured out her self-introducing monologue, as if in some semi-mock adventure book.

"Well, it doesn't change anything!" - I snapped, pressing the blanket to me even tighter and proudly raising my head.

- How does it not change anything?! - she said back even louder, - What are you talking about here? Show what you got!


- No! I snapped as I gripped the Stone and readied it for a powerful blow through her temple with my right hand.

Gabrielle's face suddenly changed again and returned to its original version. Gabrielle cleared her throat and rubbed a hand over her blonde head.

"Well, if not, then not," she laughed again.

"She's fun again??"

Gabrielle stood up and pushed all the junk off my feet right into a new pile on the floor by the couch. Then, turning around, she put her white robe back on and smiled as she turned to the door.

"Well, at least get dressed before I get back." I'm going to get us something to eat, okay?

I was left sitting a little dazed and confused. Where am I and why do I still have no idea what's going on here?

Gabriele stood for a moment, waited. Then, probably not getting my answer, she repeated the question:

"You're hungry, aren't you?"

I felt some kind of worm twist in my stomach. I was seriously hungry and I didn't realize it until now!

"Ah yes!" Eat!”

- Yes I want! - I nodded my head. Perhaps a little too quickly, as a sharp pain shot through his bandaged and already strained back.

Gabrielle grinned at that answer.

- Then I'll be right back. In about ten minutes.

Gabrielle slammed the metallic gray door of the room behind her, and distant pattering of footsteps was heard behind the door.

"His. I don't understand anything... Where am I? And who is she?"

I looked around me. It was just a room full of stuff and somehow I sensed it was less like a lab and more like the part of the house that Gabrielle mentioned.

The sun was still shining through the window, and somewhere in the distance could be seen the top of a lone green spruce.

It was strange how to sit, when until now everywhere I was accompanied by noise, crowds, bangs or at least - some kind of hum. And it's quiet here. Absolutely. When you moved your hand, you could only hear the blanket splashing.

“Pala… And when was that? What happened yesterday?”

Looking around to make sure no one was watching me, I pushed the few remaining pieces of debris off my feet and threw the blanket off me.

As I had seen before - I was completely naked, not counting the bandages and I don't know what kind of green thing was on my thigh. And to be honest, I remembered that I saw myself like this for the first time - after all, even when I woke up earlier, in the dungeons of the Arena, I was already dressed.

"Someone must have seen me naked there too and clothed me... And how did I get there?"

I shook the thought away. Somehow I felt that now I got into the same situation, only now I remember more than the first time. At least now I remember…

“…I climbed that fence. I was overwhelmed with pain. I woke up here."

I gritted my teeth. And again someone was deciding my fate without my knowledge.

"Who is Gabrielle?"

I still haven't found an answer to that.

"And by the way, does my gun know?"

I quickly grabbed the gun I had placed next to me. He looked the same as he did before he woke up here, except he wasn't glowing from within.

- Alioo, - I addressed him, tilting in front of the sun... And I realized that I forgot his name, if he even told me that at all, - ... Stones?

The stone lit up with a faint pink light inside.

"Alive!" Will!”

"Hello, girls," he answered quietly. His voice was as quiet and weak as I had ever heard it before.

- Ah...Me? Are you OK? - I was scared. And I thought that, strangely enough, I am afraid of the Stone. What kind of creature is he anyway? Some kind of magical weapon? A man trapped in a crystal? Gin?

- Naoki. I'm Naoki Goro Tishimura Kamato Tayama,” he flashed brightly several times.

"Uh... Naoki," I was confused.

It was a very strange name. Not because it's rare. I didn't even know if it was rare or what, but it was just tongue-in-cheek.

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