What is creativity?

365 texts creativity
Reflections and drafts

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I'm not creative, I can't even draw a straight line"? And have you ever wondered what creativity is?

If so, you are not alone in this world. Many people are convinced that there is some important link between creativity and the ability to make art. If they cannot paint like Picasso, sing like Josh Groban and make sculptures like Henry Moore, they have no right to call themselves creative people.

But this is not true.

There is a perception that it is arrogant to say you are creative if you are not an expert and if you do not live off the money you earn from your art.

But we are all creative.

All humans are born with a creative streak, so why do so few people consider themselves creative? Why is it that when we are asked about creative personalities, we do not think of ourselves, but of the artists who have contributed to the nation?

We immediately think of Mozart, Jackson, Da Vinci, Beethoven and other famous people, but the real truth is that each one of us was born to be a creator.

This is the human mission - to create, to make the image in your mind a reality.

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who wrote Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, argues that creativity is not something that arises in the brain, but rather in the relationship between the imagination and social context.

Creativity is a vivid expression ofwhat we are in the world.

Imagination gives birth to thoughts, our thoughts give birth to words, words give birth to actions, and actions give birth to experiences, and all human experiences create culture. Each of us contributes to the creation of the culture in which we ourselves participate.

The world is not divided into two groups of people, the creative and the uncreative.

And if there is a difference, it is between those who are creatively productive and those who are still searching for their potential. We are creative by nature. We have a genetic predisposition to create.

We are all motivated, albeit at different levels, to create, to be original and to solve problems creatively. The question "Am I creative?" should be "What inspires me to create?".

What is creativity?

Personal creativity is not cleverness or information, but rather inspiration from the Latin spiritus (life, courage and soul).

Creativity is being alive by living boldly and as Joan Miró said: "Expressing with precision all the gold sparks the soul gives off."

Remember the last time you felt full of energy and life?

What gives you the courage and confidence to overcome your fears so that you can create ideas freely? Find out and that will be the key to creativity waiting to be expressed through you.

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