Yevgenijus Černyš: "I did it!"

365 texts books

Goal of the day: 1100 words. Written: 1215.

I recently read this book. Here are the live comments from reading it (take notes in your Evernote notebook). The book... Average, but interesting!

(I'm reading an e-copy of the book, received in December 2015.)

  • 1/157 The first line of the book and I'm already hooked: "Practical advice on how to open the door to a new life by removing obstacles and overcoming difficulties."
    • Why the "how"? It's not necessary!
  • 13/157 Format of the book: reading a paper book would probably not be a problem, but the .pdf version has a relatively large number of blank pages. Also, the pages are aligned according to the centre of the binding, so when reading the .pdf one page at a time, the alignment of the pages is different every second. Distracting. Also, the format is strange as a .pdf, difficult to read. In a word, probably not intended to be read as an e-book. 🙁 Epub not available at all...
  • 16/157 YES. YES!
  • 26/157 Factual/mathematical error. I just checked. "Think about it, if you are just 1% richer, smarter, healthier, stronger every day, in a year's time you will have 3.5 times more of everything - strength, money, health, wealth, stamina, knowledge. 3.5 times and only 1% more every day! {in three years, ten times more."
    • If you raise 1.01 by 365 degrees (i.e. an increase of 1% every day), the result is 37 and a bit. You are mathematically better off by 37 sometimes, or 3700 in the sum of %. Even if you add up the percentages (adding 1 to 0.01), you get 3.65 at the end of the year. Which is 3.65 times better. In a word, hm.
    • (Yes, I know, I'm not sticking to the point.)
  • 30/157 Okay, Jesus Evgeny: "The people I talk to are getting better from illness. People who couldn't have a child before are having one. They start singing, drawing, writing, creating wonderful grand projects. They manage to do everything possible, because human possibilities are limitless."
  • 32/157 I'm like, "Yeah, nobody told us what kind of creators we are. We think, 'I can't create because I came into a world where everything is already created. I just have to fit in, adapt, fit in, settle down, etc. I'm nothing, I can't change anything. The most important thing is to create a comfort zone as soon as possible and to sit in it warmly." You can't live like that!"
    • Inspiring to create too! 🙂
  • 33/157 Oh God, Evgeny, you bloody bastard! On this page, he mentions several laws of the universe (which, by the way, sound real and true from the titles):
    • "The Law of Equilibrium and Balance, the Law of Evolution, the Law of Development, the Law of Karma or Action-Consequence, the Law of Timeliness, the Law of Correlation, the Law of Order."
    • But instead of filling in the information gap, the next chapter seems to be about something completely different! 🙁
  • 35/157 Okay, you don't mention it in passing, but it seems that the next chapter was about the first law. You just didn't mention it directly, which was unexpected and strange and left active questions in my mind.
  • 40/157 Funny Daniel:
    • "World-changers have never sat in meditation like Buddha and suffered like Christ."
    • Except Buddha and Christ.
  • 49/157 Very good point!
    "As a mentor, as a life counsellor, I often encounter the idea that spirituality can be bought. Maybe this is the 100th or 1000th book for you. That's great, it's just important that your life doesn't turn into a shopping spree. You attend seminars, you buy and read books, magazines, watch videos, television programmes. You feel like you are about to realise something, to find something that will "hook you", that you will like and that you will start to change. You will find a unique method, a technique, a "super" teacher. You hope, but are not sure, that you will experience enlightenment, make a million, get well. And so the years go by. You're still there, with unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled goals."

    • Exactly.
  • 51/157 Yevgeny uses unexpected phrases in places: he claims that the Universe oversees our actions; he claims that God shows us the way; and so on.
    • ...And although it sounds very eh and mystical, it is very real and serious. It reminds us, through unexpected phrases, of something that is not strange at all. At first glance it would be repulsive. But here is a very unexpectedly pleasing combination of styles. I like it.
  • 56/157 Yes:
    "I'm always amazed by people who buy an unnecessary shirt for a few hundred euros instead of investing that money in self-education, which would open up the possibility of buying a thousand of those shirts."
  • 57/157 Yes:
    "In your search for knowledge, teachers and lecturers, don't be afraid to accept information that you don't think is appropriate or acceptable - it may be because you don't understand it yet."
  • 62/157 Okay, this is where the book starts to look unreliable.
    • While the ideas in the book are good, there is not enough evidence to begin with. Better than in other books, where the texts have no support at all, but here, at least in this place, relativity is a bit rich. I read on.
  • 65/157 However, there was no explanation of the laws... And there was too much repetition and repetition. :c
  • 69/157 What:
    "When you walk away from something, you keep thinking about it. That's how you recharge the energy of failure, which fuels it even more to grow and progress."

    • The power of thought does not exist. Well, scientifically. Practically - hey, here's an exercise. Heh. I would just say this idea in a different way 🙂 🙂
  • 71/157 I like it:
    "Let's not become a robot that wakes up at 5am, works out, works for 12 hours, that plans, calculates and thinks everything through. Yes, he reaches the heights of his career or earns money, but he may not achieve all that because he is not free."
  • 75/157 I'm not saying I agree, but the idea is interesting!
    "Will you make excuses to your children that you are not rich and have achieved nothing because you lived for them? Or is it because of your children that you have to become rich and achieve something?"
  • 78/157 Literally more than half of the book already, and here is the introduction. Maybe a reference for the second part of the book, which seems to be in the process of being written?
    • "In this book, I don't want to burden you with the methodology or the practical methods that I use."
  • 81/157 And yet this page has an interesting approach! Strength!
    "Everyone's life consists of four main things: fulfilment, self-development, relationships and rest. "

    • I'd change it to: work, relationships, food, sleep and warmth. I would lower the words a bit and divide the three parts of survival, removing self-education (we are learning anyway) and recreation (others will miss working or socialising).
  • 82/157 I like it:
    "Most importantly, stop being a spectator and become a player! You can look at life like a football team playing football or you can become an active player yourself. Go out and play. Just realise that it can be so. Go from spectator to player."
  • 89/157 What? Seriously?
    "You've probably noticed that creative people don't sleep much, don't eat much, and have energy. Others eat and sleep but have no energy. "

    • Because then I'm probably uncreative. 😡
  • 90/157 Blem, this has become a book promotion...
    "In later books, I will talk about how to work on myself."
  • 107/157 That's good to hear. Although I don't know how much good it does, it is reassuring because I have such fears myself:
    "Remember, you won't achieve anything if you just give. It is impossible to live like that. It's not even possible to survive, but that doesn't mean you have to look for profit everywhere. The Universe will find a way to pay you back through other people, through good health, money, good friends... It doesn't matter which way. It will. You just need to accept it. Unfortunately, we often don't even notice..."
  • 111/157 Interesting idea/sequence!
    "We evolve in the following sequence: - Mind - Wisdom - Awareness - Knowledge - Presence"

    • It's just a pity it hasn't been extended in more detail. Eh. Like again. :/
  • 116/157 Despite the little school ad a sentence earlier, good idea:
    "There is no best teacher, best book or best methodology. There is a best student. Just as there are no bad teachers, it's how good a student I am."
  • 118/157 Okay, when near the end it's told as if it's an introduction and go read the second book... ...It sounds like a promotion of "improvement". Thank you, no. I don't like it.
  • 153/157 Interesting idea: the quotes are written by Evgeny himself. In other words, pieces on how to quote the author...
    • The good part: good marketing, because morons (i.e. those who can only remember a sentence, not the whole general idea) will repeat it, put it on illustrations and share it on Facebook - good. Cool.
    • The bad part: 'Author, what? Why else take a quote out of context instead of leaving it? :/
  • Description of the back side:
    "The book is also full of advice on how to remove the causes of your fears and lack of self-confidence, how to unleash your inner potential, how to free yourself from the responsibilities imposed by other people and how to motivate yourself. There are many quotes and life-changing tips."

    • Right. ...I didn't see much of that, or not enough of it! :/

Common views:

§ A pleasure to read;
§ Written in plain language;
§ Original phrases are used (e.g. "God" is not a religious object here, it's more of a... Well, it's presented in different ways).

§ A very short book;
§ Inspirational, but without any exercises/exercises/techniques;
§ "One-off" - not sure if I would want to read it again;
§ Questionable in places, because the knowledge is presented through a personal viewpoint.

Your Daniel

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