Daniel-Debesyla: "One thing I like more than anything else is learning a lot"

365 texts answers to questions
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 226 words. Written: 708.

I am being interviewed by a friend who wished to remain anonymous.

Here's how our conversation went:

* * *

How would you describe yourself: who are you, where are you going?

Hello, I'm Daniel and I'm a genius world ruler.


Okay, no kidding. I won't say that I don't like to talk about myself, because I'm not a hopeless liar. I'd better start by saying that I'm (still) a young writer and a fanatic about crazy challenges.

For more than five years I have been writing a Lithuanian self-development blog about challenges, their pursuit and the way to a happier and simpler life. Some Internet visitors (Yes, I'm looking you in the eye, Clouds) have already heard of this website - Debesyla.lt.

One of my biggest dreams is to help people achieve their crazy goals with tried and true methods. Oh, and of course, making a million bucks from writing and buying a truckload of caramel ice cream. Or thousands of cups of hot chocolate. Would love that too.

*Sucks hot chocolate.*

What things in the world do you value most?

Perhaps more than anything, I value my ability to write... And to know that my writing, under thunderstorms, helps! Five years ago, I wrote the science fiction encyclopedia The World. Not a book, but an encyclopedia.

...Unfortunately, there were no people who would be helped, inspired or otherwise moved by it, even after two years of work. That's when I realized that perhaps more important than anything else is not only to create, but also to look at KAM kuri. Not why, but WHY. Who do you dedicate your works to? For example, the most beautiful love letters are born when writing to people you (fall in) love with.

When I started writing Debesylas, I tested my then newly born theory and tried to write not for myself, but for the readers. I answered their questions, solved their problems...

And it worked! I quickly noticed that the number of subscriptions in Debesyla was increasing even without threatening people I met on the street with a knife, and the positive reviews also started to increase slowly.

It gave my work a new meaning, a new dimension. And it probably shouldn't be something unexpected, but I still do it. Practically every article comes out inspired by one or another reader's question, almost every one of my crazy challenges is accepted after listening to readers' opinions.

That would be probably the most tangible thing I value. I appreciate many other, less tangible values like the ability to love, the ability to hate, openness and more, but if I had started naming them for her, I guess my response would have been similar to that of a twelve-year-old girl who does nothing during the day but copy Paulo Coelho's thought on love. And who would willingly do that?

What are you most afraid of?

Answer: Angry comments after this interview (or Debesyla's articles), what an ignorant fool I am. Please don't write this, because if I have to read even one comment like this in my life, I will probably jump out the window! Straight into the snow where the badgers are hiding.

…Okay, just kidding. 🙂

I really don't even know exactly what I'm afraid of. Every time I open up, I start to fear that I will start to look unreliable and weak in the eyes of some people. However, it is easier to overcome this fear - if you are reading these words, it means that I have not deleted anything.

What is your favorite activity?

There is one thing I love to do more than anything else. And that is learning.

Maybe that's why I like challenges so much. That's how I like to write about complex topics and put tons of information into easy-to-use, concentrated packages of knowledge. It gets the brain moving, and the brain is the strongest part of my body.

I like to learn from everything possible. And also to doubt everything possible. That's why I like it so much Brain Pickings and Wait But Why blogs - This is where I recharge my brain!

Of course, maybe sometimes I learn too much, and I do and use what I learn too little, but god - don't tell me what to do. Or pala, tell me - maybe I'll learn.

What would you like to say to everyone?

For everyone?

*Thinks for a moment.*

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm talking to you. Here's what I'll tell you: ...You can quickly drive and subscribe to Debesyl. And then you nicely send your money to my bank account. okay?

P.S A not-so-secret message: Anyway, I earn enough money from sales of his first book, The Lazy Manifesto. But if you've ever wanted to say thank you for my work, hey, here's the place to do it. And I really like caramel and hot chocolate.

What would you like to promote?

I would like to promote one rather interesting creative project in which a young physicist follows fairy tales for children about scientific phenomena and yes teaches the secrets of science.

It's "Fabulous Science". A page to help answer the questions of young birds about the environment around them.

I really liked his idea and I feel that our children really need such things. Science images, nice, simple and clear. I learned this myself!

I recommend it. And I recommend you allocate your euros to the authors of this page. 😉

Thank you for conversation!


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