Free book I wrote for you: 4 reasons why your creativity stops and what to do?

365 texts creativity
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 150 words. Written: 2671.

Another obstacle to your work. A wall. A barrier. The border between South and North Korea. Even though you are trying to create, you are TOTALLY failing. And there is only a blank page in front of you - figuratively or literally.

...Sad. :'-(

But is it really sad?

Read this short 29-page PDF book where you will discover:

  1. Which ones The 4 most common obstacles interferes with our creativity;
  2. As well as why they occur;
  3. And what to doso you can create again.

Writer's block? A blank designer's page? Other creative problems? Not a problem!

Renewed in spring 2021: Unfortunately I lost the .pdf file of the book during a page transfer. But the book can still be downloaded via

Yes, just click the button at the top. 🙂

Creating every day,

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