How to create a blog: What will its content be? (Part II)

365 texts how to create a blog blogs
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 419 words. Written: 500.

Let's expand.

Third: Video.

Then you can create footage, animation. The problem with animations is that they take a lot longer to make than films (even if you're a professional!). According to some experienced animators, it takes up to 10 times longer to make an animation.

Why is this a problem? Well, roughly speaking, ten times longer than, say, three days is not that much in internet time. It's only a month when the animation will be available, even if it's 30 years from today (likely). But the trouble is that there is very little you can do to create such content.

Very little content means very few opportunities to experiment and make mistakes.

Why do I write here, in this mini-blog, every day? Because I can write whatever I want and see what comes out! On a better quality portal, I couldn't afford to do that.

But the advantage is that the animation can be very fantastic. I doubt if you could make Kungerzeit or Sexual Lobster animations with real actors.

Nowadays, filming can be done with virtually any mobile phone. The footage can then be uploaded to Facebook, Youtube or, if you need extra security or want to upload higher-quality visual content (say, your own series), Vimeo.

Once uploaded, add it to your blog and bam! Boom! Image!

Live video footage is also available. This is called streaming, which you can do via Facebook, Youtube or, for video games, Twitch. There are also more applications specifically for webinars (although Youtube functions are also suitable here) or for visual chatting (like Periscope).

Some Lithuanian content creators base all their work on video. You can do it too.

Fourth: Audio.

You can record your voice using the same mobile phones or simple computer technology. Nowadays, probably every package, even Windows, already has a microphone function - all you need is a physical microphone to put in front of you or over your ear.

Audio is a convenient format for presenting virtually any content. As a result, it is a popular format on the Internet at large, and podcasts range from programming news to humour to entertaining science shows. From live yoga classes to bedtime stories.

I'm slowly commissioning my own articles for voice-over. Various of my fans and friends are helping. Then the users of the page can not only read the texts, but also listen to them, for example while driving or even taking a shower.

You can upload your audio to Soundcloud. You can also upload your recording to Facebook, Youtube and other sites by turning it into a video (just paste your recording on top of an illustration or simple video). Although these portals may not be for sound.

Fifth: Apps.

Finally, your content can be based on surveys, tests and apps.

You can create surveys and tests with applications like Apester (there are many similar plugins tailored specifically for the WordPress platform and more). The apps will have to be programmed by you or by the programmers you hire. But trust me - once you've built it, you'll use it.

Apps are probably at the top of the quality of content forms. They are the most time-consuming to create and organise (and the least time-consuming to write text), and users appreciate impressively moving diagrams, games and interactive products accordingly.

So it's time for the challenge.

Take out your notebook and write one sentence, which one of these content delivery methods will be your main one. Don't worry - you can (and I recommend) use all the creative tools in your work. But first, again, you only need one!

Write down your answer. You will need it.

Putting the kettle back on,

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