What would you do if one day you found out that you had to direct and produce a play from start to finish? And what if it's not just your parents who see the play?
If your answer is "eee... I don't know?", you can be happy - I can't even imagine how I would behave in that situation.
But today's interlocutor Milda Savickaitė not only imagined how they would do it, but they went ahead and successfully implemented it: Directed MIDI Rock Opera at Vilnius University.
Tickets to this annual event, which has become an annual tradition at Vilnius University, are sold by the thousands, so directing this performance is a huge responsibility. Especially when even D. Grybauskaitė herself appreciates the fruits of your labour!
Well, I'd better not give away all the details of how Milda managed to stage this work right at the beginning. Let's listen to Milda herself.

Photo by VYRI
🎭 Hi, Milda. Who are you?
Good! I'm Milda. I've been wandering around culture, the scene, and beyond for 16 years. I jokingly state: never underestimate a cultural historian, because one day he will become your producer.
🎭 How did you get acquainted with theatre and the stage?
I come from a small town, Ignalina, so growing up my horizons were not as wide as in the city. But the province certainly has its pluses. It was here that I met my first teacher, Jolanta Narbutaitienė, who paved the way to the stage. Many of her lessons are reflected in today's work.
My mother is an amazing creator and promoter of culture. I have observed the works and worldview of Lithuanian coryphées. Participating in international projects in western countries also gave me a lot of experience.
I don't want to single out any one thing - I have taken and am taking good practice from the environment I am in, the environment I want to be in.
🎭 Do you often challenge yourself?
The challenge sounds very Musketeer-like. I don't challenge them - they find me. I don't seek them out by force and I don't force them. They come naturally - the most important thing is to be willing and able to accept them.
I'm not lacking in rationality - I always think things through, and then I think them over a few more times. I would not be able to give you my exact position on this scale. But Batman, Robin Hood, Hercules and everything from that opera has always been tempting.
🎭 What challenge did you take on?
Vilnius University Students' Union organises annual Faculty Days. One of the biggest events organised by Lithuanian students is the closing celebration of the Mathematics and Informatics Days - MIDI Rock Opera.
It is probably the only Faculty event for which preparations are made almost all year round. The new MIDI Rock Opera is already being talked about in the autumn, when auditions for vocalists, musicians, dancers and actors take place.
My challenge - although I would call it a gift of fate - Directing MIDI Rock Opera "The Night the Mill Stood Still".
These duties consist of creating content on student issues, where my job is to create a script and execute it in a way that gives people something to think about when they leave the event. What's more, there's rehearsals, stage work, premiere and post-production.
For almost 9 months, I supervised and coordinated the journey of more than 100 people towards one common goal - the premiere of The Rock Opera.
I also had no right to disappoint the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and the whole of Vilnius University, as this was the 15th anniversary of the Rock Opera. And it was even noticed and appreciated by President Grybauskaitė!

🎭 And how did you choose this challenge?
As I said, it is a challenge, but it is also a gift from fate. When I was choosing my life path - where to study - I was torn between directing and cultural history and anthropology. I chose the latter.
And sure enough - miracles happen, dreams come true! Because what you secretly think about comes true. I still enjoy the famous The Devil's Bride, and this Rock Opera, like The Devil's Bride, was based on K. Boruta's short story "Baltaragio malūnas, or What Happened in the Land of Paudruve Back in the Day".
🎭 How did it go?
It may sound banal, but it was certainly all there... Although I can't imagine creative work in any other way: you fantasise, you start doing, you get stuck, you get on and you go on.
Of course, the biggest obstacle was lack of experience. And my character is not silky.But the team, no matter what happened, stayed together. These are the people who still surround me today! When they believe in you and trust you, you can't afford to say "Don't be angry, I'm tired, I'm leaving".
I say: if you've made the commitment, follow through!
🎭 How did you feel when you finished? Did you achieve what you hoped for?
It was a TA state. Anyone who has ever searched and found it knows what I mean... The premiere flew by very quickly. I can't hide it - it's nice when the whole Theatre Arena thanks you. It's like tasting eclairs.
And after all the excitement, it's great to remember the joy of the team - finally overcoming. The tears - at the end. And of course, the silent hugs. I am glad that the enjoyable experiences we had remain in our hearts.
I am proud of the team I have inherited, and I take care of it as much as I can even now. With some of them, creating new projects is no less challenging!

Photo by: Živilė Trimakaitė
🎭 What new things have you learnt during the development of this performance?
My friends call me a goat or an Etno Beyonce. I am very stubborn and want to do everything myself. Perfectionist. And the Rock Opera changed a lot of things in my life:
- Smoothed the horns;
- It taught me how to work in a team and to trust the team fully;
- Deepened his knowledge of the stage, actors, the specifics of the director's and producer's work;
- Unveil the hardware element;
- She has worked hard to develop her skills in the niches of communication and project management;
- And, perhaps most importantly, it has taught me to recognise, accept, be unafraid of and correct mistakes.
As a recently qualified cultural historian, I thank Vilnius University for the people and opportunities.
🎭 What advice do you have for people who would like to create their own performance?
I know for a fact that nothing ever happens without desire. So I encourage you to raise your dreams as high as you can, to catch the gifts of fate, and when you catch them, work for them!
- A small "hello" leads to great things. Speak up.
- Ask as many questions as possible. Without a question, there is no answer.
- Explore the environment you live in. You need to understand the audience you are creating for.
- The joy of discovery! Performances, exhibitions, films, sales, parties, new faces, morning coffee.
- Read on! Not just books - read everything from text messages to JCDecaux stands at bus stops.
- Know (your) country's history! History is made up of personalities. What personalities have brought us to where we are today?
- Make what you dream before you go to bed come true.
- Remember where you started, why and with whom.
- Love the stage within you, not yourself on the stage. And this formula can be applied to more than just the stage.
🎭 Thank you for the conversation, Milda!
It's not every day we get the chance to direct a play! But we probably often get the chance to try something new. And Milda can be your inspiration for today: if you've ever dreamed of doing something, why haven't you started doing this yet? Is it because you're afraid of getting laid?
...Don't forget what Milda says - even mistakes are learned from! 🎭
Inspiring! Today I'm going to do what I've been wanting to do for a long time: write to Debesylai himself for a consultation on how to publish my long-dreamed-of novel!
Thank you Milda!
Che, che! 😛