#Soul in Stone (15)

365 texts fiction Soul in stone
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 884 words. Written: 876.

I was careful to touch the scabs though. The girl winced, probably in pain, but didn't make a sound. Maybe because I already lacked the strength for that.

Still supporting her, I stood up and looked around to see if anyone was watching me with her. Nothing seemed to happen. So I whistled softly to my motorcycle and beckoned him over.

This one, glowing purple, whistled back from its black bowels and slowly flew towards me. Then I carefully took the girl, slowly turned her over and, digging her feet into the ground, lifted her up, holding her chest and stomach, with her back turned upwards so that she would not feel pain when touched. It was obvious that her biggest wounds were gaping in her back and side.

"She must have bled because of her back... Poor thing. A beauty, but a complete poor thing."

Then, lifting the girl just as carefully, I approached Utėlė, lowered him a little and put on my horse, placing the girl partially on my lap between the belly and Utėlė's handlebars.

I clicked with my feet on the Lice, and it slowly, but rapidly, shot forward. I turned around and saw the remaining blood stain, but I didn't want to go back and somehow hide it. Especially if this girl is some kind of criminal, you don't want to become her accomplice against your will.

"Moreover, who cares. It seems that there are few blood stains in our city."

I smiled. There was no shortage of spots in our city. The city was always full of traitors to the council and other petty people not worth living in - someone always wanted to easily get to the top of Europe and the world.

I directed the flying Utela straight down the road to the Kaunas Zoo and my home and office.

"At this time, there should be no intruders who can ask unnecessary questions. I will be able to lay her down and examine her in my office."

I remembered the impressive shape of the girl's chest again and felt myself blush.

* * *

I opened my eyes. And for the second time in a row, I woke up not understanding what I was looking at. What is it? The ceiling? The sky? Earth? I forgot how to open my eyes or my eyes are glued?

No, it turns out it was just a sleeping mask. I immediately sat up and tore this piece of material off my face.

"Are you awake?" - came a female voice to my right.

I immediately turned away. I was lying on a sofa covered with white sheets, which were decorated with various blue symbols. In the middle of some unfamiliar gray and white room, and to the right of me, on the windowsill, sat a short-haired, large-built woman.

After hearing her phrase, she jumped from the windowsill and, leaning against it, stared at me. Her white robe fluttered as she jumped. Underneath it, she wore an oddly fitting blue shirt and also a blue skirt.

"What?" Who is she? …And where am I!?”

The woman blushed a little while looking at me, smiled and, raising and waving my hand, asked:

- Hello?

I continued to watch her with puffy eyes. And then I felt that... Pala, something was wrong. I looked down at myself.

"That you… I'm naked!"

- My God! - he blurted out to me and I immediately pulled the thin blanket up and covered myself with it. I really don't even know why I did it, it was probably more instinct than logical thought or reflection.

I turned to the silent woman.

"Where are my clothes?" where am i And who are you? And where is my gun? - probably more scared than angry, I started a whole tirade of questions.

- Which answer would you like first? - she winked, smiling and turning around, she leaned over to the wardrobe next to the wall and opened the cupboard below it. I couldn't see what was inside it, because the door was blocked, but the woman started to move something in it.

- Er... Where are my clothes and who are you!? - I asked again, gritting my teeth. And then, feeling somehow different than before, I lowered my eyes again.

“Uh… My arm is wrapped in something!ō

The woman turned to me without moving away from the cupboard and said with a smile, still holding onto the blanket with one hand and looking at the light from the window with the other hand:

- These are two questions. But I will answer both: I found you unconscious and wounded in the street on my way home. You were badly injured and ended up bleeding out. Naturally, I had to strip you, wash you, groom you, smear you, treat you and bandage you.

The woman seemed to blush even more, and I rushed to examine myself. I lifted the blanket so that only I could see the image - and sure enough, I was completely wrapped in strips of white material. And that's what this strange feeling was - it all weighed on me a little.

- And by the way, you don't even need clothes - you're more beautiful without them, - after waiting for me to stop looking at myself, the woman spoke directly into my eyes as if snarling a little.


I wasn't sure if she was joking or serious. What exactly did she mean by that? I sputtered, trying to think of something to say to her, but before I could think of anything else, she cut in and finished:

- I'm Gabriela, your friend.

"My friend? What?'

Gabriele pulled something out of the cupboard and stood up. Then, after closing her door, she came over and, leaning over me, who was still slightly curled up, looking into my eyes, placed something on my legs.

I looked away. There was a gray square bundle with red stripes.

- Here, you have a new outfit. You or someone else tore the old one up a lot and I threw it away. Oh, and this one is much prettier than that boring thing you were wearing, she grinned as she straightened up.

"The old one was thrown away? Pala, where's my gun??''

- Did you throw it away? - I muttered to myself. And then I immediately added louder, - Wait, where's my gun? where are you That Stone?

Gabriele gaped and then, after a short pause, apparently remembering what I was talking about, nodded energetically:

- Oh yes, your Stone! I'll find it right where I put it.

She turned around and started nimbly spinning around the room and bending around among the various bags and sacks scattered in different parts of the room.

- Here it is! she commented, holding up her black leather backpack.

Then she brought it to me after shaking it a bit and when she opened it, she poured the contents directly nearby. I immediately tried to pull my legs away from all the scattered junk - stones, knives, some kind of grit, notebooks and pens.

- Hey! - I shouted, pulling the blanket over me.

"Is she trying to undress me on purpose or what!?"

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